The 6: How to Play the Defensive Midfilder

The number 6, also known as the defensive midfielder, is an essential part of any successful soccer team. Acting as the pivot between defense and attack, the number 6 shields the backline, recovers the ball, and dictates the tempo of the game. This comprehensive guide will provide you with the essential elements needed to excel as a number 6. Become a great at this position and your coach will seldom want to take you off the field.

Casemiro Photo by Granada via WKC

Technical Skills

Ball Control and Passing

The number 6 is responsible for controlling possession and distributing the ball accurately to teammates. A high level of ball control and passing ability is crucial for this role.

To enhance your ball control and passing:

  • Practice with both feet: Develop your weaker foot to become more versatile and confident on the ball.

  • Master different types of passes: Train to execute short and long passes, through balls, and switching play.

  • Focus on accuracy and speed: Work on your passing accuracy and the speed at which you release the ball to teammates.

Tackling and Interceptions

A crucial part of the number 6 role is to win the ball back from opponents and break up their attacks. This duety cannot be understated. Therefore, effective tackling and the ability to intercept passes are vital for in order to perfrom this position well.

To improve your tackling and interceptions:

  • Practice various tackling techniques: Work on standing tackles, sliding tackles, and jockeying to dispossess opponents effectively.

  • Anticipate opponents' movements: Develop your ability to read the game and predict where the ball will go next.

  • Train in different situations: Hone your tackling and interception skills in various game scenarios, such as high-pressure situations and tight spaces.

Communication and Leadership

The number 6 needs to be the extension of the coach on the field, that is why he is often thought of as the coache’s player. Therefore this player needs to communicate effectively with teammates and organize the team's shape, especially during transitions between attack and defense.

To develop your communication and leadership:

  • Practice verbal and non-verbal communication: Work on giving clear instructions and using body language to communicate with teammates.

  • Develop your soccer IQ: Understand the tactical side of the game to make informed decisions and guide your teammates effectively.

  • Foster team chemistry: Build trust and rapport with your teammates to ensure they respect and follow your instructions.

Tactical Understanding

Positioning and Spatial Awareness

Intelligent positioning and spatial awareness are essential for a number 6 to maintain the team's shape, cover defensive gaps, and provide support during build-up play.

To improve your positioning and spatial awareness:

  • Study professional defensive midfielders: Observe their positioning, decision-making, and movement off the ball.

  • Understand defensive and attacking principles: Familiarize yourself with concepts such as pressing, zonal marking, and building from the back.

  • Analyze your own performances: Identify areas for improvement in your positioning and awareness during games.

Game Tempo and Transition Management

The number 6 is responsible for controlling the game's tempo and managing transitions between attack and defense.

To enhance your game tempo and transition management:

  • Develop a good soccer IQ: Understand when to speed up or slow down the game based on your team's needs and the game situation.

  • Train under pressure: Participate in small-sided games and high-pressure drills to develop your decision-making skills in realistic game situations.

  • Balance offense and defense: Learn when to join the attack and when to stay back, ensuring your team remains balanced and well-organized.

Physical Attributes

Stamina and Endurance

The number 6 must cover a significant amount of ground during a match, requiring excellent stamina and endurance.

To improve your stamina and endurance:

  • Engage in regular cardiovascular training: Incorporate running, cycling, or swimming into your training routine to build endurance.

  • Train with high-intensity interval training (HIIT): Use HIIT workouts to simulate the intensity of a soccer match and improve your overall fitness. 3. Focus on recovery and nutrition: Ensure proper recovery between training sessions and maintain a balanced diet to support your endurance training.

Strength and Power

Strength and power are essential for the number 6 to hold off opponents, win headers, and assert dominance in midfield battles.

To develop strength and power:

  • Incorporate strength training: Focus on exercises targeting your core, upper body, and lower body to build overall strength and power.

  • Train for functional strength: Perform soccer-specific exercises that simulate on-field situations, such as shielding the ball and outmuscling opponents.

  • Improve your explosiveness: Incorporate plyometric exercises and power-based training to increase your overall power.

Mental Strength and Decision-Making

Concentration and Composure

The number 6 must remain focused and composed throughout the game, minimizing mistakes and maintaining a calm demeanor under pressure.

To improve your concentration and composure:

  • Practice staying focused: Train your mind to stay in the present moment and avoid dwelling on past mistakes or future outcomes.

  • Develop a pre-game routine: Establish rituals or routines to help you relax and focus before games.

  • Learn from setbacks: Analyze your performances, identify areas for improvement, and use setbacks as motivation for growth.

Decision-Making and Risk Management

Effective decision-making and risk management are vital for a number 6 to know when to tackle, pass, or dribble the ball.

To enhance your decision-making and risk management:

  • Watch and analyze games: Study professional defensive midfielders and observe their decision-making, positioning, and ability to manage risk.

  • Train under pressure: Participate in small-sided games and high-pressure drills to develop your decision-making skills in realistic game situations.

  • Balance aggressiveness and caution: Understand when to take risks to win the ball and when to maintain a defensive shape and protect your goal.

World-Class Defensive Midfielders

Kante, France vs Argentina 2018 Photo via WKC

  • Sergio Busquets (Spain)

    Busquets is widely regarded as one of the best defensive midfielders of all time. He is an exceptional reader of the game, able to anticipate opposition attacks and make crucial interceptions. He is also a great passer of the ball, and his ability to start attacks from deep is a key asset for Barcelona and Spain.

  • Casemiro (Brazil)

    Casemiro is a physical presence in midfield, with excellent tackling ability and a great sense of positioning. He is also a great passer of the ball and has a powerful shot from distance. His contributions have been crucial to Real Madrid's success in recent years.

  • N'Golo Kante (France)

    Kante is known for his incredible work rate, making countless tackles and interceptions every game. He is also a great ball-winner and has the ability to drive forward with the ball at his feet. He was a key player in France's 2018 World Cup-winning team, as well as Chelsea's 2021 Champions League-winning team.

The Bottom Line

Becoming an exceptional number 6 requires mastering a diverse range of technical, tactical, physical, and mental skills. By committing to continuous improvement and applying the principles outlined in this guide, you can unlock your potential and become a crucial part of your team's success. Remember that success in soccer comes from hard work, persistence, and a deep love for the game. Always keep in mind, on the field, you need to embody the coache’s philosophy and lead your team to success. Embrace the challenge and strive to become the ultimate number 6 on the field.

Book Recommendations for Defensive Midfielders:

The Art of Smart Football by Chris B. Brown

This book offers a comprehensive look at the tactics and strategies employed in modern soccer. Defensive midfielders can gain valuable insights into the game's nuances and learn how to read the field better.

Inverting The Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics by Jonathan Wilson

This book is an excellent resource for understanding the evolution of soccer tactics and formations. As a defensive midfielder, reading this book will help you appreciate the importance of your role in various systems.

Soccer Tough 2: Advanced Psychology Techniques for Footballers by Dan Abrahams

The mental aspect of soccer is crucial for defensive midfielders. This book provides techniques and strategies to improve focus, confidence, and decision-making on the field.


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